Lori Hauswirth, BCC

Christian Life Coach
Contact Lori for
a phone consultation
 (760) 550-0567
or by email:
It is not just the truth that sets us free,
it is Knowing the truth that sets us free?

Watch the video above to learn a bit about Lori and

Coaching With TLC. You can copy/paste the Vimeo link to view.

Some big changes have happened for me and my family. We have moved to Winston-Salem, North Carolina as of December 2021! I am still available by Zoom or FaceTime if you need to connect with me for any reason.

Lori’s expertise as a Christian Life Coach is in helping you discover how your past experiences have shaped your current beliefs and how you live out of those beliefs. Your beliefs can affect you in all your important relationships. Neuroscience has proven that we can actually rewire our brains to truth. Lori can help you put into practical application what the Bible teaches, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will know what God's will is, His good pleasing and perfect will.”

You are what you believe you are. We all have lies we believe and that we tell ourselves every day. Lori can help you uncover those lies, discover their origin, and then replace them with truth. The truth that is founded on the Word of God. "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Free to be all that God created you to be as his unique, valuable, one-of-a-kind personality, with gifts, talents, and abilities that may be untapped due to doubt, lies and shame. In as little as one session you will find a sense of freedom and hope that you can change and that living free of the negative beliefs is possible.

Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you get some insight into what I do and why I do it as you browse and look through some of these pages:

About Me: Is where you will get a little of my history and why I am where I am today. I hope you are inspired and uplifted with hope that you too can find freedom from whatever is causing you fear, anxiety, worry, anger or heartache in your life. Or maybe you know of someone who could benefit and you feel led to pass this information along to them

TLC Tools and More Classes:
Here you will see some of the classes and workshops I've created and facilitate along with a brief explanation of what is covered in each of them.
Tools for Living Courageously is the place to begin then follow up with Life Commandments, Freedom from Shame, and Boundaries classes to go deeper and gain more tools.

Services: This is where you will find more information about what I "do" as a coach a brief description of the workshops I
offer as well as fees for individual and group sessions.

COACHING with Truth, Love, and Compassion